Tuesday, November 16, 2010

20 Questions

Shhhh!  I can hear what you're saying... Will she ever finish the 30 Day Blog Challenge?  Maybe I will and, maybe I won't, OK?  I've had a lot going on.  More about that in another post.  Soon.  Maybe.  If I can work up the courage to actually hit 'Publish Post'.

Anyhoo... On to the 20 questions... Play along at Meet Me At Mike's if you like...

1. Sweet or Savoury?

2. Dresses or Jeans?

3. House or Apartment?

4. Shop Online or Offline?

5. DVDs or Downloads?

6. Cocktails or Juice?

7. Chocolate or Strawberry?

8. Laptop or PC?

9. Magazines or Newspapers?

10. Facebook or Twitter?

11. CDs or MP3s?

12. Kids or Pets?

13. Macaron or Cupcakes?

14. Walk or Run?

15. Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out?

16. Market or Supermarket?

17. Sourdough or Grainy?

18. Heels or Flats?

19. Late nights or Not?

20. Coffee or Tea?
Here are my answers:
1. Sweet or Savoury?
Sweet.  Sometimes savoury, but almost always sweet. 

2. Dresses or Jeans?
Jeans.  I don't own any dresses except my wedding dress.

3. House or Apartment?

4. Shop Online or Offline?
I hate shopping, but if I have to do it, I would prefer to do it online.

5. DVDs or Downloads?
Downloads, unless it is too obscure, then I buy it. Sugar & Spice is the latest example of this... Matthew Newton before he grew up and started bashing girls.  Too cute!

6. Cocktails or Juice?
Cocktails, if I'm going to consume liquid calories it had better be worth it.

7. Chocolate or Strawberry?
Chocolate.  Unless it's a Freddo Frog.  Although I guess that's both.  Yay!

8. Laptop or PC?
PC.  I long for a laptop.  Chyken says no.

9. Magazines or Newspapers?
Magazines.  Newspapers are so awkward!
10. Facebook or Twitter?
Facebook.  I don't understand Twitter.  There was a time when I didn't understand Facebook though, so perhaps I'll get on board with Twitter one day.  At the moment it seems like Facebook without the fun. I'm willing to admit that this is my perception though, not fact.

11. CDs or MP3s?
MP3's.  (See also question 5)

12. Kids or Pets?
Right now, pets.  Someday, kids.

13. Macaron or Cupcakes?
Cupcakes.  Or normal cake.  Mainly cupcakes.

14. Walk or Run?
Walk.  I do not run.  It is not fun nor is it attractive to onlookers.

15. Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out?
oooh... this is a hard one.  I think out, I love Eggs Benedict, and I have not yet mastered hollandaise sauce.

16. Market or Supermarket?
Supermarket, I like airconditioning.

17. Sourdough or Grainy?
Sourdour.  I do not like lumps in my food.  (Unless they are chocolate chips)

18. Heels or Flats? 
Flats, unless I feel like tripping over.

19. Late nights or Not?
Not.  I need about a million years of beauty sleep.

20. Coffee or Tea?
Neither really, more a hot chocolate kind of lass.

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