Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dollars Vs Sense

What follows is a collection of my thoughts about the monetisation of blogs.

It has been written by me, who really should be asleep, but I find if I don't write when the mood strikes me then I forget what I wanted to stay and so it is left unsaid.

It is not aimed at anyone in particular, nor was I paid to write it.

1. Blogging is not high school so why are people acting like it is?  I really thought I left all that bullshit behind years ago.

2. Who cares if someone you thought wasn't as good as you became head cheerleader?  Is it really going to matter in the long run?  Not sure about you, but the 'popular' kids from my time at high school haven't turned out any better than anyone else as adults, despite what I thought at the time.

3. Some of the blogs I love the most are obviously monetised, some aren't.  If YOU like the blog, who cares?

4. If someone wants to pay you to write words on a screen, and you want them to pay you, go for it. I wish all my hobbies had the potential of payment.

5. The first time someone approached me and offered to pay me to write something here I laughed.  I asked them if they were joking.  The assured me they weren't.  The feeling of pride I had when that money hit my bank account was amazing.  

6. I like Blogger.  Wordpress scares me.

7. Just because someone IS being paid doesn't make them better than you. Just because you've got a 'I'll never have ads blah blah blah' policy doesn't make you any better either.

8. It's not brain surgery, it's words on a page.  Yeah, there are some blogs that are 'making a difference', but they are few and far between.

9. The blogs I enjoy reading and the blogs you enjoy reading are not necessarily the same blogs.  That doesn't make my favourite blog better than yours, it makes it different.

10. Grow up, get over it. Here's a novel idea, be happy for people who get paid. If you want to get paid & aren't, then stop bitching about it and do something about it. Approach more brands, do a writing course. Learn the freaking difference between you're and your.

11. I'm going back to bed now, so I can be awake tonight to do the job that consistently pays me.

12. Here is a picture of my cat.  Enjoy.

Puss... in Boots!

***Updated*** There is also a Part Two of this post. Click here to read it.


  1. My sentiments EXACTLY!! Perfect.

    1. Thanks. I'm just so over it. Can't we just go back to blogging?

  2. I don't like Blogger - I love it.

    The rest is just champagne bubbles and spilt milk.

    1. Oh Claire, you are SO right!

      Blogger does everything I need it to. (which is essentially posting too many photos of my cats) I'm so sick of people bagging it and telling me I really should move to WP.

    2. Blogger suits me fine. Computers scare me in general and I think a "plug in" is a tampon xx

  3. Love it. I haven't yet come across any bitchiness in the blogging world. But when I do see these bigger blogs getting things I think when is it my turn. I'm not pushing it just riding the ride till something comes along I'm not to fussed.

    Your kitty is cute.

    1. That is the best attitude to have I think!

  4. I like Blogger, too. I'm OK with that. I'm like Salz - been lucky enough to not come across too much negativity in the blogging world. And I'm with you - I read blogs for the posts and the connections. Ads or no ads - doesn't bother me :)

    1. Thankyou so much for your comment. Ads don't bother me either. :-)

  5. applauds. that is all... no wait! there is more. love puss in boots. that's it... no. i love #10 the best. now i have finished. xx

  6. AMEN to all of this. wordpress scares me, and i bloody well use it...but we are slowly making friends. did i say amen to this post yet, because thats all my head is telling me in amongst the wild cheering for you writing this x

  7. Sooooo true, all of it. So love this post.

  8. I love Blogger, Blogger loves me.
    He he your and you're :-)

  9. This is GOLD, Jo! Love love love it! And isn't Puss in Boots gorgeous? xx

    1. Thanks Deb, we think he's pretty cool.

  10. You just nailed it! Put the bullshit aside and like they say in Monty Python, "GET ON WITH IT!"

  11. Super cute cat!

    Super wise words

    Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses #teamIBOT

  12. Amen. So much criticism and tall poppy syndrome ATM
    I also love blogger.
    I've seen some very nasty and public criticism of bloggers recently. Not nice.

    1. Thanks Carly, wise words as always. :-)

  13. Yaw cat is nice. So is yore Chyken.

  14. I don't understand the competition!! What does it matter if you make money from your blog or not? What does it matter what kind of blog you have? I use wordpress for my sites because Husband is an IT expert and that's what he made them in.

    Honestly, some people need to just get over it.

  15. Yes, yes and YES ! Could never understand the whole high school bitchiness mentality. Sometimes I think, people just have too much time on their hands...

    1. I think you're right. Maybe they should use energy for something else!

  16. I'm a little late to the party but had to say well written *clap, clap*
    BTW, I love blogger too :)


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