Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Guess Who Is Going To #DPCON12?

Last night I decided on a whim to send a tweet out asking if anyone was selling a ticket to the Digital Parents Conference.  DPCON is on this Friday in Melbourne.  When the tickets were released I didn't have the cash to get one and I was rostered on to work that day.  Since then, the roster has been changed, I have nowhere I need to be on Friday and recently this little old blog has made me a little bit of money, so I thought, why not?  It turns out there was someone who was wanting to sell their ticket, so I snapped it up!

I am VERY excited to see bloggers I have met before and hopefully meet new ones too.  The only concern I have is that I am now going to a conference for Digital Parents, I'm not a parent, digital or otherwise, but I have been assured that this doesn't matter. Apparently there's a dinner dance after?  I don't dance, but I do like dinner.  I'm looking very forward to meeting other bloggers.  I just need to get over the part of me that is shitscared about meeting new people and I'm sure I'll be ok.  If all else fails maybe I'll just throw them a business card and run away. 

Are you going?  Leave me a comment so I can try and find you!!  Or better still, follow me on Twitter, so I can get to know you beforehand!  @chickensbees

The picture below has nothing to do with DPCON12, I just like it.  So.  Much.  Cat.

How kittehs can you see?

Digital Parents


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